1. Since when is into business ?

Taazameatonline is serving healthy and safe products, Since 2016

2. Do you do home deliver in all Hyderabad and Secunderabad ?

Yes please, within Hyderabad municipal limits or with in 20 kms distance, please check the serving pincodes.

3. What is taazameatonline market place about ?

Taazameatonline market place is a new concept to onboard House wives & small time entrepreneurs to setup a online presence at a very basic cost and promoting their business online.

4. what categories dotazameatonline deliver ?

Taazameatonline is into food categories like Bakery, Meat, dairy, Ready to Cook, Ready to Eat, groceies, other kitchen esentials, health and nutrition, pet foods, herbal products, services.

5. Is the meat farm grown and safe ?

Yes Please, all the meat range sold by taazameatonline are farm grown, healthy and safe for you, Chicken, mutton, fish, prawns, duck, quails, rabbit, pork, cold cuts, Marinated Meat, Ready to Eat products

6. Why taazameatonline sells frozen meat? ?

all Meat products have a very short shelf life and tend to decomposes fast with high Indian temperatures going beyond 40 degrees, thus to prevent spoilage and also to maintain the stability, freshness we pack and freeze the meat to -20 temperature immediately, thus you all always, get safe, sterile and healthy meat. The other advantage of a packed meat is its now contamination proof and not exposed to any harmful pathogens , dust and contaminated hands.

7. Referral plans ?

Yes please, taazameatonline offers its customers a unique referral plan with life time referral points. Please go to the referral page for more information

8. Do you add any artificial flavours or colours in marinated food or ready to eat products ?

No please, at taazameatonline, we encourage a healthy living, thus we don’t add any synthetic colours, no artificial flavours, no ajinomoto ( MSG), no reused oil, just pure meat and products, we also sensitise our partner stores and resellers to avoid artificial proucts .

9. Should we wash meat after purchase ?

Yes please, every meat is prone to decomposition and attracts pathogens and bacteria thus its advised to add 2 spoonful of salt to 500ml of water and immerse the meat in it for 15- 20 minutes. This will kill any harmful residues, also salt cleansed the meat naturally, moreover in India it’s our traditional practice to wash our hands and meat before cooking.

10. Do you have any franchisee option ?

Yes please, we do have a franchisee option at ZERO franchisee fee cost, but its open only for our members in all major towns of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Tamilnadu

11. Who is the brand ambassador of taazameatonline ?

The customers and store partners are the brand ambassadors of taazameatonline, this saves money and we can give more offer and better service to customers.

12. What are different categories which taazameatonline deliver ?

Taazameatonline delivers Meat, essential groceries, toiletries, ayurvedic products, kitchen essentials, stationery products, dairy products, bakery products, tours n travels, other household products, etc.

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